Sit Up Straight During Your Job Search

Posted by : Barbara Safani 1 Comment

office-chair.JPGJob search can be a very stressful time for people. With bills piling up, extended periods of unemployment can wreak havoc on your savings and your sanity. If you find yourself spending hours searching job postings, researching companies, surfing business and social networking sites, and making networking and introductory phone calls, it’s important that you keep ergonomics in mind. Hunching over a computer screen or desk wasn’t good for your back when you had a job and it’s no better for you now.

You should sit in an office chair during your job search whenever possible. Sitting on the couch may seem more comfortable, but you’ll be doing damage to your back in the long run. Sit up straight and try your best to maintain good posture. Hunkering down in your chair will put pressure on your lower back, which will only add to your level of stress.

Not only should you sit up straight while you search for a job, but you should continue to do so once you get an interview. Your body language conveys a great deal about your enthusiasm and interest in an employer’s open job. If you slouch in your chair during an interview, an employer may associate this with a lack of interest. By sitting up straight in your chair, you will also give the impression of strength and discipline. The interviewer will most likely see you as a motivated person who is serious about their job.

Be mindful of your posture when meeting employers as well. Maintaining good posture has countless physical and mental health benefits and can relieve back pain and reduce stress. And beyond that, it might even help you land the job.

— One Comment —

  1. Hi, Barbara,
    Love your comment and tips about the effect of posture during a job search. It goes along with the dictum: “You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.”

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