Google, Google on the Wall: Who’s the Fairest One of All?

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

The New York Times recently published an article exploring the value of creating an online career portfolio to showcase your work and offered several suggestions for leveraging online platforms to create and promote your professional brand. This strategy is a growing trend for people in job search as well as those proactively managing their careers.

In a recent report on global hiring trends released by Career Directors International, recruiters and hiring managers were asked about their practices for reviewing a candidate’s  online presence and their responses appear to corroborate the advice promoted in The New York Times article.  According to the survey:

58 percent responded” always” or “sometimes” to the question “Before deciding on interviewing qualified candidates, do you Google the candidate’s name or search on social media?” and 49 percent responded that uncovering negative information about a candidate online would make them look further. 

Many of the people I meet still have a bare bones online presence. The research suggests that those with a more robust digital footprint will have a competitive edge over those who don’t. Building an online presence doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive and it is well worth the investment. What’s holding you back? Feel free to post your social media questions and concerns here.