Talking About Nothing is Part of a Job Search Campaign

Posted by : Barbara Safani 2 Comments

nothingI know I’ve ranted about this before but I’m continuously amused by all the articles popping up about how social media is destroying real relationships. In my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth.

The biggest pet peeve is that social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are flooded with people talking about nothing…as if before social media, people who spoke always had something profound to say. People will always talk about nothing…it’s just part of the conversation. Remember Seinfeld? It was a show about nothing and it was a huge hit because it made people laugh about the fact that talking about nothing is a big part of the human experience.

I reconnected with a former colleague who I had not seen or talked to in 17 years. We stay connected on Facebook and for the most part we talk about nothing…silly things and the day to day trials of life as parents, women, and professionals. But that doesn’t lessen the quality of the relationship. I spent several years working side by side with this person and built my trust and respect for her at that time. I don’t have to talk on the phone with her daily or meet her for coffee to solidify the relationship. When we can get together, we will. For now, I am thrilled to have her back in my life.

I have other connections via social media who I have never met in person. I have developed respect and trust for them based on what they post on social media sites. I consider them friends, even though I have never had a deep conversation with them about anything. But social media has set the stage for having more meaningful conversations should we get the chance to in the future.

Job search at its core is about building relationships and being part of the conversation. Think of relationships you have formed through professional associations. Yes, you talk about topics relevant to the profession, but you also share funny stories and commentary on life. And sometimes those interactions are more precious than the “headier” conversations about your profession. The same is true of contacts you meet at networking events, job fairs, outplacement services, and the unemployment office. Talking about nothing is part of a job search campaign because it builds relationship. So stop worrying about everything you post and everything you say. Get out there and comment on life, work, family…the human experience. Doing so will make you memorable…and make you real. And at the end of the day, that’s what job search is all about.


  1. Lisa,

    And for every conversation about world peace there are another 5 about something not as deep. I think we need that just to keep our sanity. Thanks for commenting!

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