Step Into the Right Career

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

cover_stepintorightcareer_web_small.jpgI just finished reading “Step Into the Right Career” by Annemarie Segaric, owner of Segaric Coaching, The Career Change Company. In her book, Annemarie offers 107 tips for making a career change. This book is a very quick read, yet Annemarie’s suggestions and insights will give you an unending supply of food for thought.  Here are my top 5 favorite tips from the book.

  1. Keep your day job while working on your transition.
  2. Give up maintaining a lifestyle and create a life instead.
  3. Flip your negative wants into positive needs.
  4. Let go of needing to know every detail of the “what” of your desires before making a decision to pursue work you love.
  5. Don’t try to make it on your own.

Check out the book to read the remaining 102 tips.