Reconnecting With Your Network During the Holiday Season

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

Sometimes it’s awkward to reconnect with contacts who you haven’t spoken to in a long time. The holiday season is a natural time to reach out to your network and extend your best wishes for the New Year. Holiday cards provide a natural “touch point” or opportunity to reconnect with friends, family, and colleagues. By re-establishing a relationship through an annual holiday such as Christmas or New Years, you rekindle your community, show that you care about the people in your network, and create a natual entee into a job related conversation in the New Year. There are a number of e-card providers including Blue Mountain and American Greetings that offer holiday cards at minimal annual fees or you can use snail mail which is still very appreciated at this time of year. Whatever vehicle you use, send out your cards by mid December so you can follow up with your contacts soon after the New Year.