Career Solvers Twitter Roundup

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

twitter.JPGWhen I want to get an important piece of job search information out to my readers quickly, I often write a mini blog post on the microblog Twitter. I’ve culled my top ten tweets over recent months and posted them below. If you want to read all my posts on Twitter you can find them here or set up your own account on Twitter and start receiving my updates.

  1. Are you a member of the networking hall of shame? 
  2. Has your interview wardrobe passed its expiration date?
  3. This is why non-competes are so lame. 
  4. Will resume copyrighting be the next big thing? 
  5. 46% of people want to know what salaries their colleagues make but 89% won’t share what they make with colleagues.  
  6. Looking to save some coin? Check out ten financial moves to make now.
  7. Severance benchmarks from Compensation Force.
  8. How to keep your salary up in a down economy.
  9. 37 excellent tips on networking from Job Mob.
  10. Do you have a business card that conveys your brand?