I’m on Linked In…Now What??? 2nd Edition

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

linkedin_book_second_edition.pngI just finished reading the second edition of I’m on LinkedIn…Now What???. LinkedIn has undergone some big changes since author Jason Alba released the book’s first edition in 2007 and Jason does a great job of summarizing these enhancements. He has even included a special chapter on using LinkedIn for jobs and hiring and an appendix of LinkedIn tips for job seekers. You can also download his LinkedIn Strategy Activity Tracker for free and be sure to check out his I’m on LinkedIn…Now What blog for more tips on how to optimize LinkedIn. And while you are in the Web 2.0 mood, I recommend exploring Jason’s company site, JibberJobber and blog. Jibber Jobber is a great online tool that allows you to track, sort, store, and manage all the information you acquire during a job search and beyond.