Rx for Creating a Healthy Network

Posted by : Barbara Safani No Comments

Networking is the exchange of information and the cultivation of productive and authentic relationships. Some people would rather go to the dentist than go to a networking meeting or event. Many avoid it altogether throughout their careers and find themselves in a bind when they are in a job search and aren’t connected to anyone who can help.

Flossing your teeth daily is proactive and preventative dental care. Networking on a regular basis is a proactive career management strategy that keeps you connected to people who can potentially influence and accelerate your job search. Neglect your teeth and you end up with a lot of pain and a huge dental bill. Neglect your network and you end up with an extended job search and months of lost income. Below are tips for keeping your network healthy and strong.

  • Networking is about asking for information, not asking for favors.
  • When requesting a networking meeting, always stress that you understand how busy the person is and that you just want to meet briefly.
  • When requesting a networking meeting, arrange everything on the other person’s terms; time and location must be convenient for them.
  • While face-to-face networking is always best, graciously accept an opportunity to chat by phone if that is what’s offered to you.
  • Work networking into your daily life; at your kid’s soccer game, church, and even in line at a bank. Everyone is a potential connection.
  • When networking, expect to give more than you get, and soon you will be getting a lot.
  • Spend at least three-quarters of your job search time networking for optimal results.
  • Find natural touch points like holidays and birthdays to reconnect with your network.
  • Reach out to affinity groups such as professional organizations, corporate or school alumni groups, and community groups to build a network.
  • Network with people who are different than you: older, younger, different ethnicities, different geographies, different industries, etc.
  • Create business cards with your name, contact information, and professional identity and bring them with you wherever you go.
  • Add a signature line with your name and contact information to all of your emails to make you more memorable.
  • Write notes on the backs of business cards you receive at networking events to make each person more memorable.
  • Create a list of companies you are interested in to share with your network, and ask if they can refer you to anyone at these companies.
  • If you are uncomfortable networking in large groups, ask a more outgoing friend to accompany you.
  • To optimize networking events, go with a friend and network in different circles, then compare notes and leads at the end of the event.
  • Networking is a lot of work and if your networking is not working you may not be doing enough.
  • You can’t build a network overnight; try to build your network before you need it.